Sunny Mornings with Joanna and Sean

Sunny Mornings with Joanna and Sean

Sunny Mornings with Joanna and Sean is on-air in Las Vegas each weekday from 5am-10am. The goal each morning is to brighten your day with positive...Full Bio


SSOTD: Spirit Halloween donates $200k to UMC Hospital

Photo: KSNV

Spirit Halloween, a popular seasonal retailer, has made a large to donation to UMC Children's Hospital.

Through its 'Spirit of Children' program, Spirit Halloween presented UMC with a donation of $200,000 to help provide life-saving services to children in need.

Since 2006, Spirit of Children has aimed to make hospitals less scary for children by providing funds and uplifting experiences to over 160 children's hospitals across the country.

Every October, Spirit of Children brings spookiness to young patients at UMC by providing arts and crafts, activity books, costumes and more!

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