Jordan Haas- Pups and Cups Coffee CO.


Pups and Cups Coffee CO.

Q: If you were talking to yourself on the first day you started your career, what would be the piece of advice you would give yourself on that first day?

A: I would tell myself that life is a work in progress. I tend to dwell on mistakes or negative feedback way longer than I should. However, I have learned that trial and error is the best way to find what works best for me.

I appreciate feedback and try to make adjustments along the way- I just need to be more patient with myself to realize nothing is perfect and things will go wrong, equipment will break down, people may want a drink sweeter or not as sweet, and the best thing I can do is roll with the punches and make the small adjustments so the next time that issue isn't a fire that needs to be put out because I already have backups and procedures in place. But I can say in the short amount of time I have been in business I have gained more positive support than I could have imagined. My people have emerged and banded together to help rescue a great deal of dogs and really enjoy the drinks I serve- I have had people tell me they have driven over 30 minutes just to come get a latte from me and others that they have found their favorite coffee spot at Pups & Cups. So while there will always be snags along the way I would remind myself that hearing criticism or having things go wrong is good to keep me improving but I need to let it come and go like the tide because there is so much good being done and positive feedback and that is what I need to hold on to.

Q: What is a quote or saying you live by, and why?

A: “Even the smallest light shines bright in the darkness.” I look at how many pets are being abandoned or mistreated and it hurts my heart, but I also see that when our community bands together like they did so quickly to rescue and give Knight a home we need to see how impactful that is. Just a few weeks ago Knight was faced with possibly being put down and now he is with a loving family. He may be one of so many, but we need to celebrate the small wins, to Knight his entire world changed by one person willing to open their home. So, I always want to focus on the small wins because eventually they will light up the world.

Q: How do you “shine” in your career/field in a unique market like Las Vegas?

A: I have lived in Vegas since I was two and as I grow into an adult here, I have realized that Vegas and Henderson have about a million residents, but it also has a small community feel. I love posting on Tik Tok because when I'm working in my trailer, I don't always have the time. I would like to talk to all the customers but using Tik Tok and social media I am able to share my passion and reach more people. I have taken two things I love and cannot live without and have created a market I believe is unique. We've all heard that when you do what you love you will never work a day in your life, and I am living proof of that. I love what I do and so I think that passion allows me to shine and sets me apart in a market that has a great deal of options.

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