Ann Lackomar- Dollar Loan Center

Director of Marketing

Dollar Loan Center

Q: If you were talking to yourself on the first day you started your career, what would be the piece of advice you would give yourself on that first day?

A: Observe. Ask questions. Take initiative and learn everything you can to master the role you are in because you will take those experiences to the next level of your career.

Q: What is a quote or saying you live by, and why?

A: “Live Simply. Dream Big. Be Grateful. Give Love. Laugh Lots.” Also, “I Can, and I Will.” Both are life inspirations that motivate me every day.

Q: How do you “shine” in your career/field in a unique market like Las Vegas?

A: I’ve been very fortunate to have met and worked with so many influential career role models in Las Vegas that have given me a wealth of opportunities to learn and grow every day. As a result, I have been involved in opening and marketing mega resorts and brands, rebrand and reimagine them, promote the top community short-term lender in the market and introduce first to market experiences.

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