SSOTD: How Yoga Can Help Reduce the Risk of Disease in Cancer Patients

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Recent research has shown that weekly yoga can help reduce the symptoms of people with cancer.

Three studies presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) suggest that yoga can help reduce the risk of disease spreading, as well as returning.

One study by the University of Rochester Medical Centre recommends that clinicians should prescribe yoga for their patients. "Our data suggests that yoga significantly reduces inflammation among cancer survivors," authors of the study said at the annual ASCO meeting. "Clinicians should consider prescribing yoga for survivors experiencing inflammation.

Another study suggests that cancer patients who are more active have a reduced risk of death by one-fifth. "It's very common that the family wants to protect an older person when they have cancer, like 'I'm not going to let him do anything or go anywhere.'" said Dr. Jurema Telles de Oliveira Lima, who oversaw the study. "We have to tell the family that is can be best for the patient and also on a psychological level as well."

Yoga is one of the most beneficial activities for the mind and body, as well as its low-intensity workout is great for cancer patients.

More than 18 million people around the world are diagnosed with cancer each year, so these findings are very significant.

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